
P.O. Box 302
Oakland, CA 94604

Who We Are

We are YOUR organization!

The Retired Employees of Alameda County (REAC) is run by Alameda County retirees to promote the welfare of Alameda County retirees.

REAC is a non-profit corporation and the largest independent group of Alameda County retired employees, at almost 4,000 strong. We were organized for the exclusive purpose of serving retired County employees and beneficiaries.

We are your source of information about retirement issues and your advocate for retiree concerns at the local and state levels. We need a strong, unified organization if we are to continue to have a powerful and effective voice.  WE NEED YOU!

REAC’s efforts and achievements include:

  • Protecting the Supplemental Retiree Benefit Reserve (SRBR) against attempts to divert the fund from its legal purpose of providing cost of living increases, medical, dental and other benefits to retirees and beneficiaries.
  • Assisting retirees and beneficiaries with any problems they might have in obtaining medical benefits/reimbursements.
  • Assisting survivors in the transfer of benefits to them after the death of a retired spouse or relative.
  • Providing assistance and representation to and for the members whenever necessary in matters relating to service and retirement, issuing and distributing information relating thereto and publicizing the same.
  • Maintaining a strong and effective voice before the Retirement Board as well as the Board of Supervisors.
  • Participating in the California Retired County Employee Association (CRCEA), an organization that works for retirees statewide and in Sacramento.

Retirees and beneficiaries must remain vigilant to maintain the retirement system on which we depend.  We need a strong organization and unanimity if we are to continue to have a powerful and effective voice.

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