Linda Slater was appointed to the REAC Board in 2020 upon the recommendation of a fellow retiree. She currently supports the REAC website reconfiguration committee.
Linda retired in 2016 after working 27+ years for the Alameda County Workforce Development Board (ACWDB) a federally funded 27- member employer-led body that provides administrative, fiscal, and policy oversight of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs and services. She served, her last three years, as the Assistant Director of the agency but spent the majority of her career managing the Information technology system that ensured accurate tracking and reporting of funding, enrollments, services, and outcomes of clients.
Linda serves on the REAC board for three reasons: (1) to understand the investment strategies for managing the retirement funds we all depend upon; (2) to support retention and expansion of retiree benefits that keep us fit and well; and (3) to ensure this oversight remains in place, which only happens if people volunteer to serve.